My greatest achievement in life

My greatest achievement in life is probably when we made it to state last year in baseball. Last year playing for Salem-Montrose was interesting considering we only won like 5 games out of 20. But going into regions we were playing on being the first team beat out considering we lost our best pitcher and we sucked. But we beat Volga who was the number 2 overall seed and then Canova too who had beat us twice last year. I think we all entered with a different mindset going into the last game of regions against Volga again since they had to beat us twice we figured we’d get rid of them in one game. That didn’t happen we ended up having to beat them in extras in the second game, but we actually made it to state! State was different though, we ended up getting 6th out of 8. I think our goal this year playing with Platte is to win it all. We gained a lot better players and hope to bring home the title. We are practicing a lot more this year and working individually too, because we all need to work as individuals to help the team as a whole. I try to always be the kid cheering on the batter and bringing the team up when it seems like we are done.

Sick piggies

ASF stands for African Swine Fever which is a viral disease affecting domesticated and wild pigs. Pig farmers need to be aware because it is being spread in the US and is currently untreatable. Pigs with this disease display with a high fever, lack in appetite, skin lesions, vomiting, coughing, and other symptoms. Travelers need to be aware that they could be carrying the disease back into the United States. People can carry ASF and must not bring back pork products from other countries or be super careful when handling pork in other countries. It is currently affecting Sub-Saharan Africa, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, and part of the EU. It would lower the demand for soybeans and other crops used in pig farming.

In the Future

By this time next year I hope to be coming home from my first year in college. So hopefully, I make it home fine from Lincoln and I passed all my classes. I also want to have good time too though. I’m looking forward to Husker football games and the craziness after. I hope to possibly be getting along with my roommate, even though he seems kind of weird. I hope I’m not completely broke, I just have a feeling I’m going to be running low on cash. So I should probably work a little harder this summer to ensure that I don’t run into that situation next year. I am a little sad to say goodbye to my friends I see everyday in high school, but I’m starting a new chapter in my life and I’m excited.


I think that the problem begins at home. People with rough home lives bring the bullying to school and it spreads. I think people who are jealous of others also try to bring them down by bullying them. I think there needs to be a new idea spread through the school that certain things are not funny or okay to say. I think that teachers need to crack down a little harder on the bullying too. Some teachers have ignored scenarios where students were being bullied or even inadvertently contributed to the bullying. If you want to eradicate the bullying you have to start the kids young and drill it into their minds that they need to respect everyone else. Parents also need to take an initiative to teach their kids that bullying is not okay. I think people who bully online are cowards who aren’t willing to say anything when someone is around. I think I can work on reporting those comments that step a little too far. It just seems very cowardly to bully someone, but I also see a line where it changes from bullying to defending yourself too.


My biggest letdown in high school happened last year. I was invited to apply for the National Honor Society, so I did. I mainly did it because my mom wanted to me to join because my brother was a member. Well after getting three letters of recommendation and filling out my application, I was rejected. I heard some BS excuse as to why I didn’t get in and I was a little sad and pissed at first, but as time went on I began to get more pissed about who did get in. Some students who got in don’t even do their own homework, so I soon lost all respect for the group at our school. I realized that in life I don’t need to accepted into an organization or club to feel like I achieved something because deep down I know I’m a good student, and thats all that matters.


I don’t usually get what I want when I try to convince my mom of something. But a few years ago I wanted to go see a singer named J. Cole in Minneapolis with my friend, and my mom was determined that I was too young to go. I’ll admit, only being 17, I probably was too young, but I wanted to go. After several fights and arguments my mom finally gave up and let me go. When I look back at it, I think this possibly is one of the only times I’ve convinced my mom to let me do anything.

Cell-Cultured Lab Food

The article talked about how the FDA still did not know how to approach cell-cultured, lab-grown food, specifically meats. They still have lots of research to do and aren’t quite sure how it will be used and how it should be labeled. Mindy Brashears, the under secretary of the USDa, claimed that they aren’t white sure that it will be apparent and transparent that there is a difference between lab-grown meat and regular meat. The USDA and FDA will work together to get through the differences. The second article talks about relatively the same topic as the first article. But this article goes in-depth about how NAMI, the North American Meat Institute, fully supports oversight by the FDA and USDA. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, NBCA, believes that the joint oversight by the USDA and FDA will work best for what is trying to be done.

A Hero to Me

My heroes are probably Ronald Reagan, baseball player Francisco Lindor, and my grandma. I would say Reagan because he symbolized everything a human should be. he was able to be a funny guy, but still manage to fight for what he wants. He is not afraid to stand by his decisions, but was able to compromise to ensure no one left unhappy. He truly was one of our best presidents and stands the test of time as a great role model. Lindor is always smiling. He is known as the guy who will never leave a negative comment about his fellow teammates. He believes in constructive comments he starts by saying what someone did well and then builds on it by telling them what they could get better at. And finally, my grandma. My grandma is the most persistent person I know. She will never give up on a task, and has never been known as a quitter. She helped raise us the same way, if something is frustrating work your way through it, and everything will be okay.


In my life I am not very persuasive, but sometimes I can get my way. The last time I remember being a persuader was when I convinced my friend to drive us to Marshall. I hate driving my car, but I will drive if it is necessary. But my friend wanted to go to Marshall and I said sure fairly early which usually means I have to drive. Which would’ve been fine, but I didn’t feel like filling up my tank and used my convincing lies to persuade my friend to drive instead. In the process I saved $30 by not having to pay for gas. My friend was a little hesitant, but after about 4 minutes I finally got him to drive. In my life I am easily persuaded which isn’t my best trait. I usually find myself being persuaded by both sides of a political argument and don’t really choose just one side.


The US Senate has handed out $13.5 billion in relief for states affected by natural disasters. $3 billion is set aside for agricultural relief, including the states affected by the recent flooding. States such as Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, and Kansas were listed as states who would qualify for this relief. Trump and his administration believe that too much money is being given to Puerto Rico, who was struck by a two hurricanes in 2017. Many states in the Midwest are still trying to estimate the losses and damages as half of the state was flooded away, and the other was entrapped in a blizzard. The wealthiest farmers are eligible for up to $125,000 in tariff-payments to offset the trade war right now. Most grain, if damaged or wet, can not be used again. The USDA does not protect crops that are damaged, but cattle and livestock are protected.